
Domenico Famà is an Italian conductor, composer and classical guitarist.

Appreciated for his interpretative research that combines severe rigor and maximum expressiveness, he debuted in Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini in Catania in 2018, special guest in a symphonic concert dedicated to Mozart, Rossini, Verdi and Bellini. He is a recording artist for the international labels Brilliant Classics and Da Vinci Classics and he has a long concert career full of important and significant collaborations (Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini – Catania, Teatro Massimo Città di Siracusa, Orchestra della Magna Grecia – Taranto, Fondazione Taormina Arte, Fondazione Bellini Festival – Roma, Orchestra Classica Viva – Milano, Orchestra del Festival Belliniano, Orchestra Sinfonica del Conservatorio Duni – Matera, Teatro Rendano – Cosenza, Fondazione Teatro Garibaldi – Modica, Festival Ville Vesuviane – Napoli, Trecastagni International Music Festival, Associazione Musicale Mascagni). Since 2020 he has been the musical director of Orchestra da camera Orfeo, founded by himself in Catania. In 2024 he has been nominated conductor in residence of ASAM in Siracusa, for the musical festivals in Teatro Massimo Città di Siracusa until 2027. Since 2023 he has been assistant of Fabrizio Maria Carminati at the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini in Catania and participated in the production of I Puritani for the Bellini International Context 2023 (directed by Chiara Muti), of La Gioconda (November/December 2024) and of the New Year’s Concert 2025 (working also as composer). Since 2023 he has assisted Giacomo Sagripanti for the production of La Bohème at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (November 2023, directed by Stefania Grazioli) and at the Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari (December 2023, directed by Hugo De Ana). In 2024 he assisted Salvatore Percacciolo for some symphonic concerts in Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania (Belliniana 2024) and in Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana in Palermo. Since 2024 he has been an ordinary member of the Sibelius Society ItalyAs composer since 2018 he has been part of Da Vinci Publishing’s family from Osaka, writing original music for various chamber ensembles, published and worldwide distributed by Hal Leonard and recorded in the discographic project Fragments de temps (2021). In 2022 Brilliant Classics releases his first album as a conductor (Music for strings), dedicated to the string works of Tchaikovsky, Arensky, Elgar and Fuchs. At the end of 2023 he produces a new album with the same Dutch label, dedicated to Sibelius, Barber, Britten and Pärt with a 2024 release. He hosts the program I Protagonisti on Radio Mozart Italia, writes for cultural magazines (Incontri, la Sicilia e l’altrove) and is a teacher at the Conservatorio Giovanni Paisiello in Taranto. He also collaborates with the famous soprano Sumi Jo, the ukrainian violinist Oleksandra Fedosova and the moldovan soprano Natalia Roman.

Domenico began studying classical guitar at 7 years old and gave his first solo recital at the age of 9. He brilliantly graduated in conducting (Master degree) with honors and mention at the Conservatorio Egidio Romualdo Duni in Matera with Pablo Varela; he also obtained the orchestral conducting diploma (three years bachelor) at the Italian Conducting Academy in Milan with Gilberto Serembe and improved his skills studying with György Györiványi Ráth, Daniele Agiman and Nicola Hansalik Samale. He graduated in classical guitar with full marks at the Conservatorio Stanislao Giacomantonio in Cosenza and then became a student of the guitarist/composer Angelo Gilardino, graduating also at the Scuola Superiore Francesco Antonio Vallotti in Vercelli. He also achieved the Master degree in Music Pedagogy with full marks and honors in Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini in Catania; he studied composition and piano with Enrico Dibennardo and deepened his musical studies with Pietro Morelli, Luigi Attademo, Guido Salvetti.



Tel: +39 340 3407438

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